Dear students and parents,
Please complete the survey before 8 am, February 4th(Wed.), 2025. IBSC student activities section will report the ordering results to the school based on the survey.
2024-2025 IBSC School Lunch Survey for 2nd Semester 國立中科實中雙語部113學年度第二學期午餐調查表單
The school lunch will start from February 11th(Tue.), the school opening day.
If you have not finished the survey before the due day, the student will be considered to order school lunch.
If there is any change(from ordering to not ordering, and vice versa), please remind your child to ask IBSC activities section chief, Eddard, on the school opening day and complete the application form. The change will start from the 3rd week of the semester.
Lunch Fee: G1-G6: NT$55/day, G7-G12: NT$60/day
Thank you for your cooperation.
IBSC admin team