【公告】 Accompanying Children in E Generation and Online Dating

In this speech, Ms Wu will share her rich practical experience in children’s online behavior. She will assist you in discussing the potential risks of online friendships with your children and engaging in effective parent-child dialogue and interaction. The aim is to guide your children in using the internet appropriately and healthily. We sincerely invite you to participate and look forward to finding the most suitable communication/parenting methods for your children.

Speech time: 2024/4/11(Thu) 6:30pm-8:30pm
Speech location: Administration building 3F conference room (if the location changes, it will be announced on school website)
Speaker: Ms. WU吳至潔諮商心理師 (Counseling Psychologist of National Taichung University of Science and Technology)
Speech topic: Accompanying Generation E children and talking about online dating (the speech will be delivered in Chinese)
Participants: Teachers and parents in IBSC