【公告】 IBSC March 16th Open House Day Registration & Notice 雙語部3/16家長日活動與報名

Dear parents,

Renowned American novelist Ursula K. Le Guin once remarked, “The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.” The IBSC journey is an adventurous tale with numerous potential open-endings, and it’s the moments spent with students that truly matter in the end. Continue with this spirit, the open house day for this semester has reinforced the significance of one-on-one meetings between you and your subject teacher(s).

Furthermore, last semester during our open house day, we conducted an informative session on both international and domestic college applications. We were pleased to witness the high level of collaboration between our students, parents, and the faculty, as well as the counseling team, in nurturing students’ abilities and academic interests.

This semester, our focus shifts to the theme of “teenager-parent communication strategies,” aiming to facilitate a deeper understanding of the intricate world of teenagers’ thoughts. Countless untold stories await our joint efforts to enhance communication. In line with this, we are extending a sincere invitation to two experienced school counselors, who will be available for confidential one-on-one counseling sessions after the open speech.

The timetable for 3/16 Open House Day is as shown below:

8:20 – 8:30 am – Homeroom Moments in each homeroom class

8:30-10:00 am – Subject Teachers Appointment in designed classrooms

(9:30-10:00am we will also have an administrative briefing about 2nd semester activities in 4F auditorium)

10:00-11:30am – Open Speech in 4F auditorium

11:40am- 12:30pm – Subject Teachers Appointment in designed classrooms/ counseling sessions in IBSC counseling room



8:20-8:30am 導師時間(地點為各班)

8:30-10:00am 一對一面談時間(預約連結如下方)

*9:30-10:00am 於國中部4樓演藝廳亦將有本學期預計舉辦活動之行政公告說明,歡迎家長參加!

10:00-11:30am 親職教育講座(報名連結如下方)

11:40-12:30pm 一對一面談時間、輔導一對一家長諮詢時間(後者將於雙語部輔導諮商室舉行)

For participation on the subject teacher appointment, open speech, and one and one counseling session, please complete the several links to reserve for your meetings!

  1. Open House Day Participation (Register before 3/11) 家長日參加意願報名表,請每一位家長務必協助於期限內填寫完畢以利行政統計交管時間與人力


2. Open Speech Survey (Please help our lecturers to have a more comprehensive preparation on the topics that are the mostly important to you) 親職教育講座問卷調查,請有意願參與此講座的家長們於事前填寫此份問卷。問卷結果將協助講者更有效與有力準備適合各位家長們的講題內容喔!


3. One on one counseling session after the open speech (first come first served) 親職教育講座後之一對一諮商報名。雙語部備有中文諮商與英文諮商,請有意願的家長們可以儘速報名,名額相當有限喔!


4. Individual Appointment with subject teachers 一對一科任教師面談報名(請家長們勿更改他人報名,若下一時段無人填寫,可延長至多2次面談時間。)

  • Please do not erase or change other parents’ registration.
  • If there are no other registration for the next time section, you may extend your appointment. However, try not to exceed 30 minutes, because teachers also need to take a break and prepare for other sessions as well.
