【公告】IBSC Parental Education Open Speech Announcement

Dear IBSC parents,

We will hold a parental education open speech in October. The information is as follows:

Speech Time: October 4th(Tue.) 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Speech Location: Concert Hall(If the location changes, it will be announced on the school website ASAP)
Speaker: Mr. Qian 錢永鎮老師
Speech Topic: Three Systems to Help Children Strengthen and Move towards Success(The speech will be delivered in Chinese)
Participants: Parents and Teachers in IBSC
Registration: Please fill out the reply slip and return it back to the admin office before 9/26(Mon.)

You will get the announcement sheet from your child. In order to take time for administrative work, please return the slip before 9/26(Mon.) to IBSC admin office.

Thank you for your cooperation and hope to see you in the event.